Ever had a day where you just don't want to do anything but laze about and enjoy the day? Today is one of those days. Crisp and cool, the clouds are just right, And empty needles just begging for a new project.
Unfortunately there are also a pile of dishes begging to be washed as well. Not to mention the roll of decimated TP the cats have strewn through the dining room. No lazing today. But like I said I did finish all my projects. I do have one thing on my 3.5 circs, a mini cozy from some free yarn I got last year with my chenille. It's a shimmery silver grey fibre of unknown breed. I'm guessing acrylic, but man does that stuff felt if you get briers stuck to it. My favorite thing about it besides the shimmeryness is that it came in cake form. I love yarn cakes. They're so cute and compact, they don't come apart nearly as badly as skeins or balls. I'd like to find out how to cake a skein, so if anyone out there knows how, feel free to share.
I want to start up an atheist/agnostic group meetup locally, but I don't want to be disappointed like I was with the fibre group. I don't think I can take another epic fail in the social dept. I get tired of being let down by people and my belief that they care. The more I interact in the wild the more I pull inward and isolate myself. I think my expectations are perhaps a bit high of people in general. I expect them to be like me, and majorativly they are not. At least not here in my real life area. Plus people want interaction, sometimes I don't want to make an effort to call/visit every week. Sometimes I crave the quiet. Most people see that as I don't want to interact at all, and I seem distant. SO I don't form bonds as easily as a more invasive person. I'm always on the borders, skirting the edge of socialness And not. I don't like to dive in and get dirty, At least not right away. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but then again I may be wrong.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Fall planting
Hello world, Been really busy, and slightly less social this month. I tend to get in moods, jaded by the world around me and I shut out other s. But on the positive side I have been very busy within my little sphere. I have 6 southern pea plants growing off my northern side of the house, hopefully they will be ripe for harvest before the freeze in late dec. One good thing about living in the south is the frost is very late and often brief. I have about a dozen Italian lettuce fledglings due for harvest in the next 6 weeks, and my tomatoes are practically falling off my accidental plant. the ones I actually planted are in a sorry state and the ones that are in good shape have only given off 3-5 decent toms. the greens are in varying states, the older crop is nearing harvest and the babies are about 1/2 inch tall, so maybe some nice turnips for thanksgiving. My mints are outstanding and probably the best crop I've got. But I am very optimistic about spring. The composts are huge and rich. I believe I will be able to double my crop in the spring now that I've got the hang of things.
For knitting I have a lot of projects on, Not really a lot finished. Cozy is 2/3 through, but I got distracted with My red and yellow socks which are my on the go project. The Cozy is just too large to take to the bus stop and lunch etc. I am on the last 12 rounds of the second sock. I have finished my fair Ilse top I started this last week. I made 3/4 sleeves that are ribbed from 1/2 to the end so I can turn them up if need and weather be. It's out on the line right now drying and blocking.
I have been really good at not buying any yarn since I am trying to save as much $$ as possible in the economic crisis. One can never be too cautious. Which is another reason why I am considering expanding my garden from merely play to sustainable levels. I must brag on my Clothes line, I saved 300kw hrs on my electric bill from line drying half my laundry on it. My only reasons to Not use it are rain and I must machine dry Physics Guy's laundry, as He hates the crispness. Which I LOVE.
I also learned how to change a tire, though It won't do me much good as I am not strong enough to turn the lugs unless I use a Hammer. I may consider tossing one in my trunk Just in case. Usually around here the local guys will feel sorry for me enough to help If I seem too pathetic, so I predict I won't need it(hopefully). I wish My health and upper body strength wasn't so shitty. Maybe I should bust the weight bench out of the closet, and some pain pills on the side. Since I know any training would send me into throes of pain. Let this be a lesson kiddies, drink your milk. Bones are important.
I think that's all for now. Don't want to use up all my words in one post.
For knitting I have a lot of projects on, Not really a lot finished. Cozy is 2/3 through, but I got distracted with My red and yellow socks which are my on the go project. The Cozy is just too large to take to the bus stop and lunch etc. I am on the last 12 rounds of the second sock. I have finished my fair Ilse top I started this last week. I made 3/4 sleeves that are ribbed from 1/2 to the end so I can turn them up if need and weather be. It's out on the line right now drying and blocking.
I have been really good at not buying any yarn since I am trying to save as much $$ as possible in the economic crisis. One can never be too cautious. Which is another reason why I am considering expanding my garden from merely play to sustainable levels. I must brag on my Clothes line, I saved 300kw hrs on my electric bill from line drying half my laundry on it. My only reasons to Not use it are rain and I must machine dry Physics Guy's laundry, as He hates the crispness. Which I LOVE.
I also learned how to change a tire, though It won't do me much good as I am not strong enough to turn the lugs unless I use a Hammer. I may consider tossing one in my trunk Just in case. Usually around here the local guys will feel sorry for me enough to help If I seem too pathetic, so I predict I won't need it(hopefully). I wish My health and upper body strength wasn't so shitty. Maybe I should bust the weight bench out of the closet, and some pain pills on the side. Since I know any training would send me into throes of pain. Let this be a lesson kiddies, drink your milk. Bones are important.
I think that's all for now. Don't want to use up all my words in one post.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
drowning in 12ft of stupid
When did people become so incredibly dumb? We're now restricted to wading in the lake because 5 people have drown in the past 5 months. One of which was an 8 yr old child. I can't help but wonder where his parents were. Why were'nt they watching him. Especially if they knew he couldn't swim. My Girly is 6, she knows she can't swim, has no desire to go into water she can't walk in. Even if she did, I am right there to either help, or tell her no. What a concept. It is terrible that this boy has died, I am very sad for his parents. But when do people start taking personal responsibility for their actions instead of us having to bubble wrap the world for them? People are trying to restrict foods allowed in the workplace, Have succeeded in locking them out of most schools, what happens when They go to the market? gas masks and bio suits? When I lived up north there were SIGNS that said : "Do NOT lick the poles". People had to be TOLD not to lick poles. People forget their kids are on top of their car in the seat. forget them in the market, FORGET THEIR KIDS!?! When I first had Girly I was terribly scared that one day I too would forget her, like I'd heard of so many times. Never once have I forgotten her, only once have I even forgotten to buckle her in the car, and she did it herself(3 yrs). How do you forget you have a kid? or where you have placed it? I mean I guess I could see if you had like 8 or 9 of them and you didn't pick one up from school, cheer camp or something until well after pick up time. That's a lot of kids to keep up with. But on the 1 to 4 level? You can count them on one hand. DO not drink on the side of my shampoo? Why? I can't help but wonder if the dumbing down of people is some sort of sheep control thing. 'Make then stupid so they don't question anything we say.' sort of thing. but I'm not a conspiracy nutter, so I hope maybe it's just a freakish natural development of lazy that we will some day overcome. Hopefully.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Falling off the face of the Earth
Nope, I haven't done it. Summer is just A crazy hectic time, and really there's not much to blog of then. I'm attempting to get back in the habit now. Especially since PG has made his own blog. I don't really know what all or how much he'll have to say, but I feel i should write too just because... yes I know not too terribly mature, but I've had to be mature far too often so :P. Over the summer I have made pathetic attempts at gardening, made a clothes line to try and cut down the ever growing electric costs, Helped to control the pet population x2, and succeeded in pissing of my mother yet again. Yea me. I have currently 8 tomato plants a light sprinkle of greens( pitiful really) and seedlings for spinach, lettuce and basil. this is usually the final stage of growth for me. All the turnips -may they rest in peace- burnt to a crisp so I think later in the month I will try, try again. no raspberries, they failed on all fronts. my non edibles are getting on fabulously though. The caladiums are springing up new shoots almost every day, and my daisies haven't died yet. maybe by winter I will have a successful compost growing, and then I can mix it for spring planting and turn out a better crop.
On the knitting front I have gotten much done, busting about 5 lbs roughly of yarn into functioning wearables or cat snuggles(think security blankets. I have a lot of things in my queue on RAV that I may or may not finish this year, but I also have a lot of things in my head that I want to get done before Christmas/sol. I am learning to make soap, not from scratch but the glycerin and additives. I have three lovely bars on my counter cooling right now. If they go over well, I may start making them for the farmers market to sell along side some washcloths and such. Other than that my life has been just typical stuff really, and Off I go agian to live some more of it.
On the knitting front I have gotten much done, busting about 5 lbs roughly of yarn into functioning wearables or cat snuggles(think security blankets. I have a lot of things in my queue on RAV that I may or may not finish this year, but I also have a lot of things in my head that I want to get done before Christmas/sol. I am learning to make soap, not from scratch but the glycerin and additives. I have three lovely bars on my counter cooling right now. If they go over well, I may start making them for the farmers market to sell along side some washcloths and such. Other than that my life has been just typical stuff really, and Off I go agian to live some more of it.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I have something to blog about at last. My summers are usually dull so I Don't really care to bore any lurking readers with mundane nonsense. But today I finished PG's ribbed man socks, and I'm STILL working on the stole that I started Before the socks. Sometimes I don't think it wants to get finished, really, I have stitches hiding under stitches, And erratia I (fortunatly) found on ravelry that isn't posted on the site. I would like to buy some yarnage from a few new online sources like Knitivity's store, but I am on a yarn diet until I reduce some of my stash and at least get a couple of wraps done.
I also Finally have a lawnmower * joy of Joys* and I don't have to spend near as long mowing the grass and therefore have more time to plant and prune. I bought some various daisies from Lowe's to put in place of the bell peppers that never grew. and I have three tomatoes , not really red OR big yet but still tomatoes. organic gardening is SOO incredibly hard. Those damn beetles are eating the leaves off my Toms and greens. The squirrels and doggo have eaten half of my raspberry vinlings And a caladium bulb.I'm hoping Squirrel on that last one at least.
In 'electronic news: My camera has NO batteries And is being rather wonky about the rechargeable ones, hence no pictures of said destruction and projects. Kiddo smashed her DVD player the DAY before I went and bought 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' so I've had to endure it at least 3 times a day in here in the living room.Physics Guy doesn't seem to mind all that much As I have gotten him hooked on Populous(Cd Rom) again, SO He's trying to figure it out. When he's on the computer the force is impenetrable. Which is a triumph for me, at last a game that I am good at that he is not besides backgammon!
And the funny: The best most hilarious thing to do is buy a bag of chicken feet from the meat store( who eats this shit really, I want to know) and place three on kitchen floor around kittens. Pouncing and hilarity will ensue.
Especially when one doggo decides he wants to try and TAKE the kittens chicken feet. Not a good idea. Kittens do have very sharp claws despite their fuzzy cute exterior.
I also Finally have a lawnmower * joy of Joys* and I don't have to spend near as long mowing the grass and therefore have more time to plant and prune. I bought some various daisies from Lowe's to put in place of the bell peppers that never grew. and I have three tomatoes , not really red OR big yet but still tomatoes. organic gardening is SOO incredibly hard. Those damn beetles are eating the leaves off my Toms and greens. The squirrels and doggo have eaten half of my raspberry vinlings And a caladium bulb.I'm hoping Squirrel on that last one at least.
In 'electronic news: My camera has NO batteries And is being rather wonky about the rechargeable ones, hence no pictures of said destruction and projects. Kiddo smashed her DVD player the DAY before I went and bought 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' so I've had to endure it at least 3 times a day in here in the living room.Physics Guy doesn't seem to mind all that much As I have gotten him hooked on Populous(Cd Rom) again, SO He's trying to figure it out. When he's on the computer the force is impenetrable. Which is a triumph for me, at last a game that I am good at that he is not besides backgammon!
And the funny: The best most hilarious thing to do is buy a bag of chicken feet from the meat store( who eats this shit really, I want to know) and place three on kitchen floor around kittens. Pouncing and hilarity will ensue.
Especially when one doggo decides he wants to try and TAKE the kittens chicken feet. Not a good idea. Kittens do have very sharp claws despite their fuzzy cute exterior.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Work sucks
I have not been on here to blog in a couple of weeks, I am a bad bad blogger:( But When the hubby is home I can get NOTHING done. I mainly sit on ravelry or clean. that is it. I am still working on the cobweb lace stole, which is taking quite a long time for me. I expect as much from a lace project, but man I am usually on top of these things. I am also working on a pair of socks for Physics guy, since I haven't made him anything substantial ( the boobie pillow doesn't count). and He really needs a pair of quality socks. I quit the aran lobster sock for now, I am not in the mood for cotton. I think my garden hates me, All I am growing are tomatoes and paltry raspberry leaves. everyone else has withered to crap. I am going to add some more cow poo in the fall and go for some more torture then. Southeast Georgia is not the place for gardening in the summer heat. Not for me anyway. Well that is all the excitement for now. Maybe I'll have something good tomorrow. I'll try harder.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Quilted china doll Socks
I Finally finished my new pattern And man It was fun. THe only thing I would do differently is made them a half diamond longer ( I still have a bunch of yarn left). And elongated the stitching all the way up and not just on the feet. Which I did because i realized the scrunched look on the first one, but I didn't want to frog it back up so Instead I made the other to match. Now I like the scrunching, but other people may not like it so much. I've also made a few dishclothes for my kitchen, I'm debating colouring the white parts yellow, but I'm not really sure. I want one day to have my kitchen in a burgundy and buttercup yellow colouration. It's not going to happen any time soon, and dishclothes don't have a long lifespan here, so I may just live with the peppermint as they are. I even made one round Like a real peppermint candy, Cuz that's how I roll.
Girly and I are going to the lake tomorrow fo a bit of relaxation. Frankly I need it. PG has been home for the past 2 weeks with his back. The cortisteriod injection has NOT helped, The physical therapy HAS NOT helped, really just made it worse. He's trying to avoid THE TALK about retirement. Not that I blame him, I mean who wants to retire at 23 years old? But as a person who loves him and sees him trying to kill himself getting up to go to work then colapsing pale on the couch after two hrs of working through the pain. I think It's time. I hate it for him, but i also want to (selfishly I admit) have a few years with him before it gets really bad. I allways hope of course that technology will grow and find a way to help bring the pain level down or out completely. So does every person with or close to a person with illness. I know the doctors are going hard at finding cures, Most of them know more about my family than even My Real family does. We're there so much, I've seen the nurses swell with pregnancy, have they're babies, and now those babies are walking. they're like an extended family to me now. I think I should knit them something, come to think of it...
Girly and I are going to the lake tomorrow fo a bit of relaxation. Frankly I need it. PG has been home for the past 2 weeks with his back. The cortisteriod injection has NOT helped, The physical therapy HAS NOT helped, really just made it worse. He's trying to avoid THE TALK about retirement. Not that I blame him, I mean who wants to retire at 23 years old? But as a person who loves him and sees him trying to kill himself getting up to go to work then colapsing pale on the couch after two hrs of working through the pain. I think It's time. I hate it for him, but i also want to (selfishly I admit) have a few years with him before it gets really bad. I allways hope of course that technology will grow and find a way to help bring the pain level down or out completely. So does every person with or close to a person with illness. I know the doctors are going hard at finding cures, Most of them know more about my family than even My Real family does. We're there so much, I've seen the nurses swell with pregnancy, have they're babies, and now those babies are walking. they're like an extended family to me now. I think I should knit them something, come to think of it...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I said I would blog
Like three days ago I thought I would blog, but as it turns out I was more busy being sick. I'm still working on my socks since I hadn't felt up to it over the weekend. Einstein is up and walking now, becoming more and more catlike and less of my snugly pseudo baby.
I have days when I wish I could have another child, and enjoy a pregnancy full of belly pats, coos and "Oh! when are you due?". I didn't get that the first time around. I got more of the scowls, and looks like I had the whore plague. Even though I was with the father, and graduated high school early, being 15 and pregnant was not a happy, whimsical time. Really, I watched Juno and Wished my pregnancy had gone so well. So Yeah I wish I could have another go round to get the praise I earned for being a damn good mother thus far. On the other hand I see my one child as wonderful as she is, is a freaking hand full. Driving to school, homework, lessons outside of school, feeding and maintenance,= lots time and $$. With Physics Guy's disability I am even less inclined, as One never knows when he'll be up and about work, or down and out asking for cheezburger at 12 at night. we're even talking about the possibility of his retiring in the next 2-5 yrs. He's 23 yrs old. I know with housework, yard work, parenting of the one and only I already have, and the enormous amount of energy that goes into everything else on my plate my Brain probably couldn't take any more. Yet I still feel the need of the lovely survival instinct at least one week of every month. I wish I knew how to squelch it before I turn into the crazy catlady. some one help me.
I have days when I wish I could have another child, and enjoy a pregnancy full of belly pats, coos and "Oh! when are you due?". I didn't get that the first time around. I got more of the scowls, and looks like I had the whore plague. Even though I was with the father, and graduated high school early, being 15 and pregnant was not a happy, whimsical time. Really, I watched Juno and Wished my pregnancy had gone so well. So Yeah I wish I could have another go round to get the praise I earned for being a damn good mother thus far. On the other hand I see my one child as wonderful as she is, is a freaking hand full. Driving to school, homework, lessons outside of school, feeding and maintenance,= lots time and $$. With Physics Guy's disability I am even less inclined, as One never knows when he'll be up and about work, or down and out asking for cheezburger at 12 at night. we're even talking about the possibility of his retiring in the next 2-5 yrs. He's 23 yrs old. I know with housework, yard work, parenting of the one and only I already have, and the enormous amount of energy that goes into everything else on my plate my Brain probably couldn't take any more. Yet I still feel the need of the lovely survival instinct at least one week of every month. I wish I knew how to squelch it before I turn into the crazy catlady. some one help me.
Friday, May 30, 2008
my little kitty boy is soo spoiled, he thinks he's a people:
If he goes to sleep with me he expects me to be there when he gets up or else he cries and cries for me until I come to give him head rubs. Then he goes right back to sleep amongst the boobies.
I will wright more later, I am not feeling well, and I had to post these to show off on Ravelry. More to the kitty story and some yarnage soon
If he goes to sleep with me he expects me to be there when he gets up or else he cries and cries for me until I come to give him head rubs. Then he goes right back to sleep amongst the boobies.
I will wright more later, I am not feeling well, and I had to post these to show off on Ravelry. More to the kitty story and some yarnage soon
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Knitta Time
So I've been really busy on knitting when I am not giving kitten massage/ supervision. I have two make up bags one knit and one crochet.
I am still on my two socks, since one of them somehow turned mobius on me,and thus had to be frogged back. and the other I am painstakingly writing the pattern with fixes to the parts I don't really like
I'm sitting here writing one-handed b/c Einstein is in my lap for a foot massage. Note the baldness of the leg: his range of motion is getting better every day, just in small doses. he's So energetic its hard to get him stillfor A massage. Yesterday I was surfing the news with my toes, loving him so he'd stay still for his PT. I tell ya, if PG hadn't had a background in medical I would have gone berserk calling the vet every day about his leg. He's eating my elbow now, I just realized I've been rubbing the wrong durn leg. Which I should know better, his bad one is the same as Physics Guy's. I like to call them Gimpy one and Gimpy two. I wonder if he still has his external tens unit around here... that could be helpful. basically it stimulates the nerves and makes them feel better.I forget the particulars when I've only got a few hrs spread out of sleep all night.
Here I am talking kitty when I'm supposed to be talking knitty. I am investigating on how to do A knitted steering wheel cover for my car. The wheel itsself is so old it's turning sticky.Ok it's attached to a '93 caprice so... I can't find a store bought one that I like enough to buy. I think wool or cotton would be practical since it will be in a hot car and thus subject to melting if made with acrylic. I also haveAnother tempting top to make for my SIL. And Lace things I'm fantasising about as well.
I'm also loving how well my nails look in these pictures. Any one who knows me KNOWS they don't look this nice IRL. I always have some sort of dirt/ chipping funk about them. but shh don't tell.
I am still on my two socks, since one of them somehow turned mobius on me,and thus had to be frogged back. and the other I am painstakingly writing the pattern with fixes to the parts I don't really like
I'm sitting here writing one-handed b/c Einstein is in my lap for a foot massage. Note the baldness of the leg: his range of motion is getting better every day, just in small doses. he's So energetic its hard to get him stillfor A massage. Yesterday I was surfing the news with my toes, loving him so he'd stay still for his PT. I tell ya, if PG hadn't had a background in medical I would have gone berserk calling the vet every day about his leg. He's eating my elbow now, I just realized I've been rubbing the wrong durn leg. Which I should know better, his bad one is the same as Physics Guy's. I like to call them Gimpy one and Gimpy two. I wonder if he still has his external tens unit around here... that could be helpful. basically it stimulates the nerves and makes them feel better.I forget the particulars when I've only got a few hrs spread out of sleep all night.
Here I am talking kitty when I'm supposed to be talking knitty. I am investigating on how to do A knitted steering wheel cover for my car. The wheel itsself is so old it's turning sticky.Ok it's attached to a '93 caprice so... I can't find a store bought one that I like enough to buy. I think wool or cotton would be practical since it will be in a hot car and thus subject to melting if made with acrylic. I also haveAnother tempting top to make for my SIL. And Lace things I'm fantasising about as well.
I'm also loving how well my nails look in these pictures. Any one who knows me KNOWS they don't look this nice IRL. I always have some sort of dirt/ chipping funk about them. but shh don't tell.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My Scarlet A
When I first put the Scarlet A on my blog, I didn't realize how accurate it was to the truth of my experience as an atheist. Being newly "out" I never felt alot of persecution...Of course I never VOICED my feelings on the subject of religion. I had friends of many faiths. I pride myself on the fact that I can tolerate people whether I agree with their personal faith or not. I just Didn't Talk about religion with them. However, when I come to a person, who says they can handle what I like to call "My personal truths versus their own" for a more politically correct phrasing, I don't hold back. I speak honestly when I choose to speak. Sometimes people cannot handle it...Even when sometimes they say they can. This blog Is my private place for my thoughts. Granted I share them with the world, it is not nor WILL it ever be censored. Here I can stop and take the time to gather my thoughts and tongue, And I can say how I feel with out being interrupted and distracted. I don't always have the time, or verbal ability to put out what I want to say. I am A writer, I gather my words like wool, And I knit them into a coherent fabric on paper, or as the case may be in text. Sometimes my grammar is sub par, But if one can get past that they will see the greater picture I am trying to show. My voice has been stifled so many years, my opinions never counting, why should I be silenced any more? Now that I am un ashamed of my thoughts and feelings I see that in some circumstances they are only tolerated when they aren't shown/voiced. Tolerance is a two way street, I listen though I may not agree, and unless it is in the context of acknowledged debate I do not get offended, nor interrupt. I expect the same in turn. Sometimes, that is not reciprocated. And thus my scarlet A, being shunned because others cannot handle MY word As I kindly handle theirs. Even when I want to scream, Even those I love like family. Now I see, only in the company of like minded people can I be my true self. I will never shut up and sit down. I will never be silenced, not by and man or woman ever again. The things I have to say may not always be happy sunshiney knit and cat stuff. Sometimes it may challenge the beliefs of those I hold dear. That is me, who I am, that is LIFE. Filled with pain, growth, and movement, life is a challenge. I proudly wear my Scarlet A, And I hope to one day find others like me, who I can sit with in real life.. not just online. I'm only 22 years old, there's plenty of time yet. Until then my friends, Good night.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Roundworms are bad, nasty little critters. I have the Girl cats shut in the back room so they don't poop all over the house and spread it. I don't believe any one else has them, people or dog wise. Doggo Is safe thanks to his heart guard, which I didn't know also protects against other intestinal parasites. Yea heart guard! I need to get some more form the vet :( I may see if DR. Betz has any since she is super doc. Einstein is driving me nuts because he wants like mad to run and play, but his back half doesn't work so well right now from the catheter/weakness/drugs. I was his chauf-fur to all the places in the house he wanted to go holding his back legs and following him around. He's back in the kennel now pissed off, but resting. he has NO fur on his rump, which completly shows just how scrawny he is compared to the illusion of largeness his mega fur gives. Those little buggers ate him up so quick. At least he's eating and pottying well now. I am trying to not super freak out because they had been all sleeping in Girly's bed with her. We've been cleaning up her room so I can disinfect it. It's way late so I can't do any more tonight. OMB I am so tired. I don't even want to go into the other drama in my life right now. I just want to sleep and let kitty boy get better.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Saturdays Suck
My poor kitty. Einstien (the boy) got sick this morning. he couldn't stand his gums were pure white, and he was getting to the point of limb stiffness and tremours. I called every vet in camden, and let me say NOW and forever the vet service here is pure SHIT. If you EVER have to get a vet, get one from jax and suffer through the 45 minute drive, bad traffic, and all the rest or do the traveling chick who incedentally is ALSO from Jax.. the one vet who I got ahold of today told me to give him honey to raise his glucose and he'd be fine. GLU...effing COSE, which BTW has nothing to do with anemia/blood issues other than diabeties. I called him back and he gave me the run around for 20 precious minutes about how "hard it was to do a transfusion on a cat" that I insisted upon, until he finally addmitted he had family stuff to do and he was NOT coming in under and means. I could have handled it had he said it first off. all the other ones told me under NO means was I to worm treat or de bug them until 12 weeks minimum nor the mother, exept one who gave her some stuff that almost killed HER. which brought on said condition. We had to drive to jacksonville to the ER for a blood transfusion. His poor little blood count was down to 5% He's such a trooper though, He fought me all the way down there and the nurses too. they de wormed, de flea'd and juiced him up for a grand tally of our whole bi-weekly paycheck. We gladly paid after being there for 4 1/2 hrs. with alot of other pet owners in worse conditions than ours. He's staying overnight for observation, and we have to go pick him up in the morning. It rained like mad the whole way home. I felt sick as hell with my car sickness and eating a giant hot dog in under a minute IN the car. I can not knit whilst riding in the rain, freaks me out, the thought of impalment form a rain soaked crash. Physics Guy had to drive, plus he had physical therapy YESTERDAY, so he's tore up from the drive and the wait. But Einstein (clearly) is his baby and no cost would be spared, even if he has to stay home and pill it up for the whole holiday weekend. The dr. was outstanding, I want to take him home and distribute his clones to the other vet's offices. the only thing I don't get is Einstein was super all week long, chasing stuff, and playing, I even took him to school and Taro's and he was hopping all over the car.Then Whammo today he was so close to death. Needless to say after 700 bucks he is not going home with any one else. When he finaly gets old and crusty and kicks it, I'm keeping him as a cat doily I don't care.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Ah , missouri
Only in missouri would you get a $250.00 gift card to a gun shop with you vehicle purchase. one dealer is actually giving the option of gas cards or guns with purchase.really see I lived there for about two years outside of springfield. I was about 12 I think. we used to ride our bikes in the storm drains to cross free ways and those things were HUGE. All the homeless folks would set up communities in there, old beds, dressers, one guy had a mini fridge in there. For what use I have no Idea, it's not like there were outlets( though I wouldn't have been surprised). the main reason why we rode around in them and disturbed the homeless people was because If you did actually get brave( or stupid) enough to ride on the side of the road/sidewalk or bike paths the endearing motorists would TRY and swerve to hit you. No shit, I knew people who would be riding along to thier granny's house and get smacked in the back of the head with a phone book, slushie, or the token stick. the added bonus was the coolness of having a mini mart next door, we'd go there and buy a bunch of V8 bottles and see who could drink one down the fastest. This was of course before the tasty new "berry blends" and strawberry banana ones. Nope we had those nasty veg only ones that tasted like tomatoes, carrots and feet. I reemeber one day our bike posse rode up and the police(locally known as "the po-po")were there. Turns out some kid had wondered around the store poking packages of meats up his shirt. The lady din't want to get him in trouble as was going to let him have some of the meats , because I mean If you're stealing meats thre's generally a HUNGER issue. she asked him to pull out said product...kid had like 200 bucks worth of meat in his jacket..in the early 90's in rural missouri, that's a shitton of meat! We didn't know the poor kid unfortunatly. If we had known him we would have totally hooked him up with foodage. One of the guys' gran lived about a block down from us. I swear She was the inspiration for Cartmans mom. "Hi kids, you want some cookies? I got roast in the oven you go eat those cookies and come back in 10 minutes It'll be ready" she had 10 kids at any given time at her house. She would call in poeple off the street "yall want some snap peas and sausage?" "I got some sun tea a'brewin" I loved gran. and most of my friends' families were the same way, my house was the icecream/popsicle house, because my mom cooked like a prison chef.
when my dad went completly nutters and held my brother hostage in the house and the swat team cometh, my posse were all there. They hid us out at their house while the boys tried to talk Rick into leting Bub out. There may be some crazy, gun toting, bible belt types up there, but there's also alot of butt kickin', stranger feeding, wonderful ones too. P.S. guns are very usefull, I am totally NOT anti gun. 'specially since SAlly's squirrels have come to my house. I have a 22 cal....I wonder if the rabbit ears would be over kill? probably.
when my dad went completly nutters and held my brother hostage in the house and the swat team cometh, my posse were all there. They hid us out at their house while the boys tried to talk Rick into leting Bub out. There may be some crazy, gun toting, bible belt types up there, but there's also alot of butt kickin', stranger feeding, wonderful ones too. P.S. guns are very usefull, I am totally NOT anti gun. 'specially since SAlly's squirrels have come to my house. I have a 22 cal....I wonder if the rabbit ears would be over kill? probably.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Not hate, just Indifference
The one main question or statement(as it comes in many formats) I get after telling people I'm an atheist is" why are you angry with god/ why do you hate God, or the much more common:"I feel you're angry with god". I am so totally NOT angry with god. And while I'm on it, if I were which one would I choose? Or maybe I could be angry with them all, but really that's a lot of fairy dust to be pointlessly angry with. No not angry, just indifferent. You see most people commonly misplace the opposite of Love with anger, when in fact anger assumes belief in said god. I however do not. So you see :indifference. Do not love, nor hate because I am confident there is nothing to feel emotion towards. The religious talks I end up eventually having with people have become like a recording to me. Same arguments, different formats.
Their personal God is not vengeful, doesn't smite the wicked,helps and heals, and is a jovial grandpa kinda guy. Yet they all read from the same book as the next person which states all about how thy should kill those (women) who sleep around, eat shellfish, or don't believe the same religious jargon as them. Also if you can say: "oh well this passage can't apply now, that was just the TIMES then." I'm sorry, throw the whole thing in the trash, because the same goes for the rest of it. I can not believe in something in a book that has been ripped apart and put back together half way and slipshod like some tinker toy from their hell more than a dozen times in the past century alone. and isn't really even written by said deity, I mean jeez dude omnipresent, get off your duff and write it yourself. It's not like you're actually doing something. These days if God tells you to write a book on how to kill people you don't like and rape their women, And condones sacrificing your children you go to either the funny farm or prison. Who knows that these boneheads hundreds of yrs ago didn't belong in the same place? Some where I read once the only difference between Christianity and the scientologists of today is about 2000 years. I concur. Back then you cold spout enough BS and get enough people to follow you and poof you're a religion. Sometimes all it takes is a good con and a charismatic personality, hey look at all these get rich quick schemes thousands get into every day. Same concept, you work your tail off give them your money/faith, con others into it and you get a fancy car/eternal life/ one million dollars, only to be miserable and irritating and come up with less than you started with. The old "there's a coin in your ear" trick didn't work on me as a kid, it still doesn't now, sorry.( not really)
Another argument is the old: well what kind of morals can you teach your kids without god, all the ones you say are made by us. Like there's some bloody patent on not running stark naked through the streets stabbing people. Common decency is not a religious value. Most definitely not, otherwise you would see a lot less hate mongering towards gays, non religious, and people who don't like (insert your religious holiday here) My morals are as follows:
(1) don't do things that could potentially harm yourself, others, or make ME want to kick your butt.
(2) learn all you can, and do your best so you will be wise enough to make the world a better place.
(3) help people when you can if you can,
(4) wipe front to back
(5) chew with your mouth closed
You see even less than the 10 commandments. Pretty simple stuff really, doesn't even need to come with an omnipresent figurehead.
The one main question or statement(as it comes in many formats) I get after telling people I'm an atheist is" why are you angry with god/ why do you hate God, or the much more common:"I feel you're angry with god". I am so totally NOT angry with god. And while I'm on it, if I were which one would I choose? Or maybe I could be angry with them all, but really that's a lot of fairy dust to be pointlessly angry with. No not angry, just indifferent. You see most people commonly misplace the opposite of Love with anger, when in fact anger assumes belief in said god. I however do not. So you see :indifference. Do not love, nor hate because I am confident there is nothing to feel emotion towards. The religious talks I end up eventually having with people have become like a recording to me. Same arguments, different formats.
Their personal God is not vengeful, doesn't smite the wicked,helps and heals, and is a jovial grandpa kinda guy. Yet they all read from the same book as the next person which states all about how thy should kill those (women) who sleep around, eat shellfish, or don't believe the same religious jargon as them. Also if you can say: "oh well this passage can't apply now, that was just the TIMES then." I'm sorry, throw the whole thing in the trash, because the same goes for the rest of it. I can not believe in something in a book that has been ripped apart and put back together half way and slipshod like some tinker toy from their hell more than a dozen times in the past century alone. and isn't really even written by said deity, I mean jeez dude omnipresent, get off your duff and write it yourself. It's not like you're actually doing something. These days if God tells you to write a book on how to kill people you don't like and rape their women, And condones sacrificing your children you go to either the funny farm or prison. Who knows that these boneheads hundreds of yrs ago didn't belong in the same place? Some where I read once the only difference between Christianity and the scientologists of today is about 2000 years. I concur. Back then you cold spout enough BS and get enough people to follow you and poof you're a religion. Sometimes all it takes is a good con and a charismatic personality, hey look at all these get rich quick schemes thousands get into every day. Same concept, you work your tail off give them your money/faith, con others into it and you get a fancy car/eternal life/ one million dollars, only to be miserable and irritating and come up with less than you started with. The old "there's a coin in your ear" trick didn't work on me as a kid, it still doesn't now, sorry.( not really)
Another argument is the old: well what kind of morals can you teach your kids without god, all the ones you say are made by us. Like there's some bloody patent on not running stark naked through the streets stabbing people. Common decency is not a religious value. Most definitely not, otherwise you would see a lot less hate mongering towards gays, non religious, and people who don't like (insert your religious holiday here) My morals are as follows:
(1) don't do things that could potentially harm yourself, others, or make ME want to kick your butt.
(2) learn all you can, and do your best so you will be wise enough to make the world a better place.
(3) help people when you can if you can,
(4) wipe front to back
(5) chew with your mouth closed
You see even less than the 10 commandments. Pretty simple stuff really, doesn't even need to come with an omnipresent figurehead.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Knit night
Taro's is not going to be open for our usual knit night, as the owner is going out of town. Any ideas on another location (if we still want to have it) are welcome. so far we have: The sweetest thing, or we could just go out to somewhere and eat or, we could do an early one@ four clock, whatever. I would say at my house, but I've had weird heart problems today and have been to freaked and don't want to speed clean when It's acting funny and rupture something. I am not having pains just like a heavy beat where it takes my breath every few beats. I'm at 120/60 sec. which is not BAd , actually more in the normal range, but Higher than my average which is low. I took some asprin and A nap, but I'm still a bit jitery. I think it's because I'd been going and going all morning until about 3 and then a nice lull where I could sit around confused it a little. but then I also am not a DR. the only other different thing I did today was : dye my hair. I WAS SUPPOSED TO have dyed it back my natural color, but as I found out later from another parent/hair dresser/ MAN. I was only supposed to leave BROWN on for 10 minutes not the 25 I usually go for with the red. so now I am uber goth. Which it's kinda growing on me after the surprise of the darkness wore off. I def. feel the purple highights I'm thinking about could only complement this look, though the flash does pick up the red highlights alot
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Today is a very boring typical day, not much going on. Dishes, and vaccuming yuck. So instead I will tell you about my Monday.
Yesterday Girly got an award of some sort at school. Not really sure FOR what, but she got one of those obscure awards the schools give out with wonky names. She's "tigerific" whatever that is. Even She has no clue what it means, but she's durn proud of it. After the awards and a pot of joe, and a rather large can of soda I had to well...GO. So of course I went to the ONE stall that had the broken lock, I figured I could jimmy it closed and back open. The closing of said lock worked, However the OPENING of it required a rather large chunk of my forefinger to be ripped open evidenly. But much to my credit I did not cuss like a raving loon. Which Is good, because I was in an elementary school bathroom with about 20 odd Snowflakes whose parents would probably have shit if they had been exposed to foul language. The nurse gave me a lovely bandaid and I got back in time for the spirit stick thing, where if you don't have elementary kids is where each class in turn screams bloody murder to see who has more "school spirit". I want to know who pays for the hearing aids. The school system is funny here, they say under GOD, sing religious based stuff, yet at the pep rallys play " goodies," that stupid"bananas" song by gwen stephani and some hip hop stuff that I feel naughty for playing in the vicinity of small ones. I swear I was expecting "shake ya ass" or "the thong song"(which they DID play at PG's high school dances)to come on at any moment. Makes me giggle every time. But at least it did make me feel a bit less uncomfortable at the thought of my last encounter with the principal in publix with me holding a case of beer, and two bottles of wine...on a monday, wearing sweat pants. I swear that guy looks like an older DR. Drew from loveline, but he SOUNDS like DR. Phil.
But onward PG grilled so I have a mssive amount of dishes to do, since washing them is not part of grilling, basically all that is is slapping the stuff on the grill and turning it periodically. my job is prep, and clean up. woohoo.
Yesterday Girly got an award of some sort at school. Not really sure FOR what, but she got one of those obscure awards the schools give out with wonky names. She's "tigerific" whatever that is. Even She has no clue what it means, but she's durn proud of it. After the awards and a pot of joe, and a rather large can of soda I had to well...GO. So of course I went to the ONE stall that had the broken lock, I figured I could jimmy it closed and back open. The closing of said lock worked, However the OPENING of it required a rather large chunk of my forefinger to be ripped open evidenly. But much to my credit I did not cuss like a raving loon. Which Is good, because I was in an elementary school bathroom with about 20 odd Snowflakes whose parents would probably have shit if they had been exposed to foul language. The nurse gave me a lovely bandaid and I got back in time for the spirit stick thing, where if you don't have elementary kids is where each class in turn screams bloody murder to see who has more "school spirit". I want to know who pays for the hearing aids. The school system is funny here, they say under GOD, sing religious based stuff, yet at the pep rallys play " goodies," that stupid"bananas" song by gwen stephani and some hip hop stuff that I feel naughty for playing in the vicinity of small ones. I swear I was expecting "shake ya ass" or "the thong song"(which they DID play at PG's high school dances)to come on at any moment. Makes me giggle every time. But at least it did make me feel a bit less uncomfortable at the thought of my last encounter with the principal in publix with me holding a case of beer, and two bottles of wine...on a monday, wearing sweat pants. I swear that guy looks like an older DR. Drew from loveline, but he SOUNDS like DR. Phil.
But onward PG grilled so I have a mssive amount of dishes to do, since washing them is not part of grilling, basically all that is is slapping the stuff on the grill and turning it periodically. my job is prep, and clean up. woohoo.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Not a weekend blog (Or) GET OFF MY LAWN
I usually don't blog on the weekends, but I have nothing else to do so why not. Actually I do but still. I did finish Para-pro's scarf in it's ribboned glory, with great efforts made to have minimal twisting in the ribbon. I planted the raspberry twigs Sally so graciously gave me Friday. Three near my garden on the back fence and one near Girly's window with some plastic lattice I've had for centuries quite a while. The other two are still in the pot since I have enormous amounts of de-rooting to do where I am going to kill plant them. In the meantime I have been whacking away at my negligent neighbour's trees. Yes, a neighbour more negligent than me, please hold the applause. This guy bought the land for some unknown reason, COMPLETELY fenced it off and lets it run wild and hairy into and over MY yard. It was atop my house as well until I threatened lawsuits if his shit fell on my house and killed my child during an (inevitable )hurricane. He promptly called the tree service people. But to the now: there's a row along the fenceline of gangly shit trees( gum) and oak( terribly allergic, complete with nosebleeds) draping themselves over the fence and into my garden, life and the general vicinity of my vehicles. SOOO I am clipping and sometimes jig sawing the little buggers down. Mostly just the offending branches...mostly. Being as I am short and all, my tree trimming accessories are: an old pool ladder, hand saw, pruner's shears, and a dog leash. Basically I tie the leash to the offending branch, pin it to the fence with the other end and hack away until the non trespassing limb goes bouncing back to it's own side. I need a hatchet... or maybe a high powered long armed chainsaw.MMMmmm Oh and I'm usually standing on the pool ladder at the time of this process.
I have gone a bit crazy in the heat and planted ALOT of greens near my back porch, in the side yard and More in the garden. I spent much time over the weekend yelling a the dog/kids/hubby to "get out of the seedlings!" Hubby STEPPED IN MY BED. WTF!?
his reasoning" What, there's nothing there? I stepped inbetween the tomatoes. " Yeah right on top of thier roots. With your size 12 clods. Bonehead. The tomatoes despite thier rootsmashing, are looking better since I dashed a bit of lime in the soil. Evidently COMPLETE veg. potting soil is'nt as complete as they say. , I have cantalope sprigs coming up in the garden and in the pear tree dirt, along with the caladiums that I gave up on. I figured the dirt is so good and wormy under there I had to grow SOMETHING and since the caladiums werent growing I'd plant the cantalopes there. as soon as I plannted them I noticed little dog claws poing up out of the dirt. Having had bulbs before I knew(and the location helped) these were the forgotten Calads. We shall see who lives and who dies once they get going. Now I just have to WAIT. ugh
I have gone a bit crazy in the heat and planted ALOT of greens near my back porch, in the side yard and More in the garden. I spent much time over the weekend yelling a the dog/kids/hubby to "get out of the seedlings!" Hubby STEPPED IN MY BED. WTF!?
his reasoning" What, there's nothing there? I stepped inbetween the tomatoes. " Yeah right on top of thier roots. With your size 12 clods. Bonehead. The tomatoes despite thier rootsmashing, are looking better since I dashed a bit of lime in the soil. Evidently COMPLETE veg. potting soil is'nt as complete as they say. , I have cantalope sprigs coming up in the garden and in the pear tree dirt, along with the caladiums that I gave up on. I figured the dirt is so good and wormy under there I had to grow SOMETHING and since the caladiums werent growing I'd plant the cantalopes there. as soon as I plannted them I noticed little dog claws poing up out of the dirt. Having had bulbs before I knew(and the location helped) these were the forgotten Calads. We shall see who lives and who dies once they get going. Now I just have to WAIT. ugh
Friday, May 16, 2008
new socks
So I finished a top secret project( or not so top secret if you know me IRL) A WISP wrap from knitty in mohair for Girly's teacher. AND I got my sock yarn in on wednesday. I've got one sock done for my seaside socks ( don't know if this is another pattern's name too) that I fashioned up, I will add pictures to this in the morning of it since the lighting around here sucks at nighttime. As most knitters and certain chips I cannot have just One, so I am also working on a sock(pair) using an english quilt cabling as my secondary project with the blue Plymouth DK sock yarn.
I have to say I don't know which pattern I like more. I am loving the way the slip stitch cableing is giving two different colourways to the Quilt sock, AND I love the light rib the lobster cabling gives the seaside sock. I'm not sure quite how I feel about the colour pattern in the yarn on that one though, I think It would have been better suited for a diagonal rib patern or some such because the colour patterns sort of blob( forgive me unknowledge of the 'technical' term) in a spiraling fashion around the sock in a green-blue and green-yellow like those spiral string cheeses you buy at the store(MOMS will know what I mean)
In any case I am being terribly naughty because I am SUPPOSED to be working on a ribbon scarf for the para-pro at school so she doesn't feel slighted that I made the teacher something and not her too. I am restraining myself from also making something for the other coaches-helpers etc too because, well that's a frightful lot of people for one weeks worth of knitting time before the school term ends.
I am considering what to start next already because I would like to start a booth at the local market for fun just to see what all I can sell in the south where it comes to knitting. I'm thinking bags and simple scarves and maybe some baby things to start , and sell around july(the next one).I'm not looking for a business or anything jsut a fun time and maybe a few dollars in my pocket on my own terms to do yarny things with as I please. They have the market one a month to start and they may do it more often once they get it going and If it turns out well. Here's hoping it does as I am in desperate need of some local growers/talent/goodies to entertain myself with:P
AS AN added bonus I am SUPER exited to have met OL A pattern designer for litle things like socks and scarves etc. Who said she would let me do some pattern testing for her. YEA! I obviously can't blog/picture those one I get into it, but hey it'll be great fun and I love new ideas and puzzles. Plus when I see it on ravelry I can smile and think to my self "hey I tested that, I hope (s)he likes it!" I'm weird like that.
I have to say I don't know which pattern I like more. I am loving the way the slip stitch cableing is giving two different colourways to the Quilt sock, AND I love the light rib the lobster cabling gives the seaside sock. I'm not sure quite how I feel about the colour pattern in the yarn on that one though, I think It would have been better suited for a diagonal rib patern or some such because the colour patterns sort of blob( forgive me unknowledge of the 'technical' term) in a spiraling fashion around the sock in a green-blue and green-yellow like those spiral string cheeses you buy at the store(MOMS will know what I mean)
In any case I am being terribly naughty because I am SUPPOSED to be working on a ribbon scarf for the para-pro at school so she doesn't feel slighted that I made the teacher something and not her too. I am restraining myself from also making something for the other coaches-helpers etc too because, well that's a frightful lot of people for one weeks worth of knitting time before the school term ends.
I am considering what to start next already because I would like to start a booth at the local market for fun just to see what all I can sell in the south where it comes to knitting. I'm thinking bags and simple scarves and maybe some baby things to start , and sell around july(the next one).I'm not looking for a business or anything jsut a fun time and maybe a few dollars in my pocket on my own terms to do yarny things with as I please. They have the market one a month to start and they may do it more often once they get it going and If it turns out well. Here's hoping it does as I am in desperate need of some local growers/talent/goodies to entertain myself with:P
AS AN added bonus I am SUPER exited to have met OL A pattern designer for litle things like socks and scarves etc. Who said she would let me do some pattern testing for her. YEA! I obviously can't blog/picture those one I get into it, but hey it'll be great fun and I love new ideas and puzzles. Plus when I see it on ravelry I can smile and think to my self "hey I tested that, I hope (s)he likes it!" I'm weird like that.
Hurrah California
G/L marraige is legal again ( for Cali residents). One hopes it sticks this time. It absolutly boggles to think that changing the terminology to "domestic partnership " soothes the minds of the rightwing traditionalists. I never did get that. call it what it is. And finally THey are! I mean really lets be honest the only thing "disrupting traditional marraige" is the nonsense the involved parties of each marraige do to end it, be it cheating, abuse, not hanging the laundry up, whatever. Someone elses marraige has jack to do with how your own turns out.
i'm Tired, sick and tired actually.
Of what? Well Of homosexuality being compared to beastiality, and pediphilia and then 'justified by disscribing them all as"carnal sins" or murder as A "sin in general".
I'm sick of intolerant bigotry being disguised as "faith". I'm tired of A Book's words being twisted and distorted to fit a sick selfrighteous agenda. I'm sick of feeling sad, and appaled by the constant flow of ignorance, when there are books and sites of a nonpolitical/religious stance where you can learn things. I'm tired of being hyjacked by "you're bad, but not really, but youreallyare, but im gunna word it so it looks like im not saying it, but you are, but I'm not judgeing ."types. I'm not speaking of any one in particular, just that I can't take it any more. It's one thing to debate theology, and quite another to be a bigot. righteous or not. the KKK thought THEY were righteous in thier G-D's Eyes, so did hitler, and the guys in the holy wars. Doesn't make it so. But alas HIndsight is always 20-20. And it doesn't stop the bashings,suicides, and killings that are happening now. Even if you may not DO them , or publicly"condone" them you're contributing to the hate if you pirvatly condone. and you may as well be right in there with the bad guys kicking and spitting on that little 15 yr old gay boy or girl. or burning that cross in the bi racial family's yard. or throwing that wiccan family out of thier neighbourhood. Bigotry is a frame of mind, Acting on it may well be what gets you thrown in JAil, but the hate is the same hate and it disgusts me. may not be black/white, but it's the same hate.
SO let the G/L communities have marriage and divorce if they want it. it isn't stopping you from having your own. If you have problems see a counselor, don't hate on people who are happy in their marriages.
This counrty is far ahead in so many things, and yet at the same time so very far behind. be it national health care, GLBT rights, or sanity in general, it's nice to see a bit of global intellegence streaming over to our country, one day (soon I hope) it'll trickle on down to the rest of us and more people will be able to openly show their true feelings without being afraid of attack or isolation. But for now YEA CALIFORNIA!!
i'm Tired, sick and tired actually.
Of what? Well Of homosexuality being compared to beastiality, and pediphilia and then 'justified by disscribing them all as"carnal sins" or murder as A "sin in general".
I'm sick of intolerant bigotry being disguised as "faith". I'm tired of A Book's words being twisted and distorted to fit a sick selfrighteous agenda. I'm sick of feeling sad, and appaled by the constant flow of ignorance, when there are books and sites of a nonpolitical/religious stance where you can learn things. I'm tired of being hyjacked by "you're bad, but not really, but youreallyare, but im gunna word it so it looks like im not saying it, but you are, but I'm not judgeing ."types. I'm not speaking of any one in particular, just that I can't take it any more. It's one thing to debate theology, and quite another to be a bigot. righteous or not. the KKK thought THEY were righteous in thier G-D's Eyes, so did hitler, and the guys in the holy wars. Doesn't make it so. But alas HIndsight is always 20-20. And it doesn't stop the bashings,suicides, and killings that are happening now. Even if you may not DO them , or publicly"condone" them you're contributing to the hate if you pirvatly condone. and you may as well be right in there with the bad guys kicking and spitting on that little 15 yr old gay boy or girl. or burning that cross in the bi racial family's yard. or throwing that wiccan family out of thier neighbourhood. Bigotry is a frame of mind, Acting on it may well be what gets you thrown in JAil, but the hate is the same hate and it disgusts me. may not be black/white, but it's the same hate.
SO let the G/L communities have marriage and divorce if they want it. it isn't stopping you from having your own. If you have problems see a counselor, don't hate on people who are happy in their marriages.
This counrty is far ahead in so many things, and yet at the same time so very far behind. be it national health care, GLBT rights, or sanity in general, it's nice to see a bit of global intellegence streaming over to our country, one day (soon I hope) it'll trickle on down to the rest of us and more people will be able to openly show their true feelings without being afraid of attack or isolation. But for now YEA CALIFORNIA!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
New layout, New post
So I changed my template. I FINally agonizingly got the colours Just so, and then I noticed My damn side bar is at the bottom. What the hell kinda SIDE bar is at the BOTTOM!?! I hate that, but I also do not want to go throughthe painstaking process of colou/font/size and other bs again tonight. crap I'm gunna haveto do it in the morning. It's almost 11pm. If any of my readers have a good place to find templates pretty please send it my way. I Needs one to match my pretty yarn header pic. I am in a pink and black mood. Also I totally busted up my hand hoeing the pepper beds today. Grass is the closest to evil there is. I swear I was hoeing concrete. If I'd had a bit of forethought I would have knitted myself some garden gloves. It's not like I don't have umpteen zillion yards of cotton on a cone in the yarn room. i've just been super busy with ACtual gardening and making stuff for other people that I havn't taken the time to figure out how to make those durn fingers on gloves to start I can totally make a bunch of in the round fingercovers (they look much like knitted condoms) I just don't get the hand to finger changeover thingy. Now It looks like I have hemmeroids on my hand. Only they don't hurt near as much under the calouses.( hands not bum) Gosh bum callouses, ouch that just sounds painfull... Come to think of it, I think I'll start calling irritating people THAT instead of my not-so-nice words I typically use for them.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
AS promised
Pictures of my garden.
It's looking a bit bare as I am between cycles right now and the greens I planted in march are almost all eaten, and the new seedlings aren't quite big enough to capture on film. I am today working on the OTHER planter by my porch opposite the one with tomatoes in it. It'll look almost Identical but instead of tomatoes it will(hopefully ) have bell peppers in it.
And a yarn bag of kitten to seal the deal:
It's looking a bit bare as I am between cycles right now and the greens I planted in march are almost all eaten, and the new seedlings aren't quite big enough to capture on film. I am today working on the OTHER planter by my porch opposite the one with tomatoes in it. It'll look almost Identical but instead of tomatoes it will(hopefully ) have bell peppers in it.
And a yarn bag of kitten to seal the deal:
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Mothers day booty, from a hubby who doesn't shop yarn:
Susan Bates 7 and 10 inch Double Point Needles 4 7in. double point
Plymouth Encore Sock DK 7518 skein 1
Plymouth Encore Sock DK 7521 skein 1
Plymouth Sockotta 617 ball 1
From of course :WEBS
The Only yarn store the Goddess frequents.
Hubby Got too confused looking at all the yarny goodness ANd so told me to pick what I wanted. Being budget conscious I desperately pried my eyes away from the fabulous
SHibui sock
and Plymoth happy feet
That's a bit over my current limit., Plus two pair as apposed to 4 AND needles, nuhuh. 'SPecially after going to Bonsai for supper with the Whole family. All in all A good mother's day.
Susan Bates 7 and 10 inch Double Point Needles 4 7in. double point
Plymouth Encore Sock DK 7518 skein 1
Plymouth Encore Sock DK 7521 skein 1
Plymouth Sockotta 617 ball 1
From of course :WEBS
The Only yarn store the Goddess frequents.
Hubby Got too confused looking at all the yarny goodness ANd so told me to pick what I wanted. Being budget conscious I desperately pried my eyes away from the fabulous
SHibui sock
and Plymoth happy feet
That's a bit over my current limit., Plus two pair as apposed to 4 AND needles, nuhuh. 'SPecially after going to Bonsai for supper with the Whole family. All in all A good mother's day.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
One never Knows
YOu never know what you'll find at the beach. Girly and I went this morning as our own Mothers Day. Since we are spending Mothers day proper with PG's Mom. WE got up about 745 and got there by 8am. We even had a nice giggle at the expense of another driver on the way. You see I know ,being as I am friends with Many a police officer, That out of towners should NOT go over the speed limit. I was going my alloted 55mph and the person behind me figured HE would pass me and go about 90MPH....with a local PO about 100yrds up. The officer pulled out to get him as I was coming up to him. GIrly " GET 'EM! Get 'Em!!" hee hee. Once we got there we had a great time as there weren't many people there at all. about 10ish other people stared to flow in. One group of ladies had a camcorder and were sitting in front of me. when their bags got caught in the tide I chatted them up. Turns out the youngest was a knitter too and was admiring "the bikini from hell" wondering if I too was a knitter:)And as we were discussing what the best fibre to take on a beach excursion was"cotton versus fuzzy mohair, and sock weight over worsted or larger" Girly ran up and calmy told me she had squeezed something squishy in the water and now her thumb was burning. Good thing the teen lifeguards were there. They had some vinagar in a spritzer bottle to save the day. Girly was so disgusted with"that naughty jelly" that Our yarny conversation was cut short and Girly and I went onward to the farmers market off 8th street( only open on Saturdays from 9-2 pm FYI). We sampled fresh organic cheeses, and breads, etc. There was a man selling organic coffee beans, and a bunch of local produce, and flowers, We spent $30 on some dried bananas, blueberries,fresh crab cakes and surprisingly Girly who TOTALLY HATES olives Asked to buy a jar of organic olive/pimento/herb& anchovy dip that she LOVED. The guy gave her a sample, I figured the poor guy was about to get the worst review ever but she was all"Oh. MY. GOD. Mommy that is the best stuff EVER!" You really never know. So then we came home to have a nice picnic in the floor, and a LOONG nap.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I'm sorry, is this ELM street?
DUDE, I just met my new neighbour. I think possibly He might be a wee bit nutters. Possibly. I was minding my business walking doggo and he calls out hey my name is "blah blah something" ( I really have no clue I lost it about 2.5 minuets later, You'll see why)He was a bit twitchy, but then again so am I, so eh whatev. So we're chatting about the house, the gawd awful termites he found heavily imbedded in it. and Doggo is severly snuffling him.I give the back off command yet the snuffling continues( I figure 8ish in thew morning, the guy probably (a) has a dog at home in heat or (B) had a really tasty breakfast...For about five seconds "Oh , sorry about the pants I um got in an 'Altercation' last night." I look a bit more deeply at what I thought was alot of brown paint from painting the house But nyet, It was Blood. OMG I live A bishop's move from freddie! Which incedentally is right behind my monitor, so I'm sneaking little glances back there now looking for suspicious carpet rolls. I mean I little guts OK. Guys fight, they get wasted at the pub and fight, but crapola someone needs a transfusion.
MAybe I'm a tad overreacting. MAybe he likes a good pub brawl. Or maybe I'll just keep over here and keep a look out for stripey sweaters and funny smells. But then again those could BOTH be coming from My house...
MAybe I'm a tad overreacting. MAybe he likes a good pub brawl. Or maybe I'll just keep over here and keep a look out for stripey sweaters and funny smells. But then again those could BOTH be coming from My house...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Pictures of stuff
Here are the aforementioned pictures of my top, with the scalloped/shell add ons. It's still a tad too stretchy but I guess that's what happens.
And for your viewing pleasure: a subtle kitten chomp on a leg. He's so cute, but Vicious!
A Bit of a more friendly Look here:
I know my Garden looks a bit ghetto with the bricks and torn garden paper, but I'm still working on It aesthetically. Frankly I just don't want the stuff to DIE. Making it pretty doesn't do much good until you're sure that you don't just have a giant sandbox. Making it pretty is my task for the day.(then it'll probably die on me) I'm going to show pictures of it once I get it decent, for now here's a picture of my Avocado tree and his little minty friends in their shared pot. Yea he's gunna need a new one soon!
And for your viewing pleasure: a subtle kitten chomp on a leg. He's so cute, but Vicious!
A Bit of a more friendly Look here:
I know my Garden looks a bit ghetto with the bricks and torn garden paper, but I'm still working on It aesthetically. Frankly I just don't want the stuff to DIE. Making it pretty doesn't do much good until you're sure that you don't just have a giant sandbox. Making it pretty is my task for the day.(then it'll probably die on me) I'm going to show pictures of it once I get it decent, for now here's a picture of my Avocado tree and his little minty friends in their shared pot. Yea he's gunna need a new one soon!
Monday, May 5, 2008
I finally finished my "Tempting" top(knitty.com) at Sally's house. I still had a few finishing touches I added in pick up line today. I did not do the sleeving, In stead I increased by the 52 sts on each side and carried on with the yoke. I bound off the 12 sts underarm and SC around the bottom of the arm/yoke for added stability since I put it on Once and it mega streched. I also instead of the ribboned bow, crocheted a nice shell st border(in the lime green) on the top's neckline and folded two shells over each arm's first two rows so it has a squared look. I really like the diverseness this pattern can have. really it's so teribly simple I could do a bunch of them and come up with all sorts of add ons and things. I thought about one with puffed sleeves and one cabled instead of ribbed,and an embossed diamondy one. We've been talking alot of knitting today so it's all stuck in there clinging together. I also planted some peppers,cilantro and ginger Sally was kind enough to give me after my own pepper seeds failed to germinate and I think...maybe. that I see a few caladium babies under the pear tree, along with some pansies Girly threw out there to"keep them company". The onions are growing, the tomatoes still aren't dead , but I think I am about to kill a horrible pair of socks I am knitting from scratch. these suckers are irritating, I'm striping them with two colours and then they have a completeely differnt colour on the bottom. I . hate. these. socks. but they're for girly and they are cute, once I figure out this laptop thingy I will post pictures of the socks, and the top. Did I mention I also have another sock on .. oh wait TWO other socks on needles other than the pair I already have? yeah. and one pair has to be dyed after I finish the mate. but I like THOSE socks. I am making an effort on them. I just wanted to do this top first, and save the easy small knitting for toasty outside days. Anyhow, off to watch more mindless killing, because the graphics on this game are SOO kick ass( I can see the Rain bouncing off the puddles, and pants creases people!). Plus the plot is getting really interesting too.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Free to BLOG!
It's been a LONG weekend. First after a trip to the beach with 30 kindergardeners (okay 15 in our group) We had to take a raod trip to Valdosta to see my SIL graduate(colledge)...(again) I have never BEEN to VAldosta, I HAVE NEVER been on the wrong side of a map with No DISTINCT road signs to guide me. I was the map engineer on this trip....I also left my vat of coffee on the porch after dashing through the house for an hour trying (with NO LUCK) to find the damn cell phone. DId I mention I spent THE.WHOLE. DAY.with a bunch of 5-6 yr olds at the beach? WE ended up nearing jessup before I realized gee since the MAp didn't clearly define east or west until the 3RD PAGE(west) I used my powers of FInd the road sign logic to see the 'U.S.-some# east' sign to point and say "that way?" when asked left or right. It said to go left then right immediately. I TOLD HIM TO!!! of course it ALSO made us go in a wide circle around hwy 82 JUST to get back onto......HWY 82..the same freakin road!and after an hour of wasted time we gave up and went home. With the inlaws' camcorder in our trunk. they were less than thrilled. I however enjoyed an evening of alcohol and prep -H. It kinda reminded me of Gilligans island. A three hour tour BACK to rural Georgia. Which is kinda like the lost island on there, only we don't have coconuts and great radio reception. I spent all of yesterday diging out a 4 by 5foot space for some onions and tomatoes, transplanting the roots, tubers and grass to the ginormous hole that is my driveway and rolling out paper to keep the grass from running back up in the garden when I sleep. At least I got to eat at the japanese steakhouse for supper since I was too tired to cook:)
PG is out buying laptop for himself with the rescession money, which is yeah for me. I might actually get to blog on the weekends now. though I would settle for watching him play Timeshift all weekend. That game is AWESOME!!. well okay he's back. bye for now, might blog tomorrow .
we'll see...
PG is out buying laptop for himself with the rescession money, which is yeah for me. I might actually get to blog on the weekends now. though I would settle for watching him play Timeshift all weekend. That game is AWESOME!!. well okay he's back. bye for now, might blog tomorrow .
we'll see...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
How to Survive A Riot
Today when I opened IE to my Google homepage I saw " gas hits...Record High" and right under it in the how to section: "how to survive a riot". Coincidence? maybe, but at 3.60 a gallon not for long. I may be the only one rioting but, Sweet jesus on a surfboard man! It's not like I go out to eat, buy new clothes or jewelry. I can barley afford the pick five for $20 meat special at the butcher. If we didn't have PG's job supported retirement thingy we'd not have anything by the time we're his parents age. What happened to 1.30 per gallon milk being"too high" and bread at 60c a loaf? I am sick of this war, sick of this recession that"isn't a recession", and I'm sick and damn tired of relying on oil for everything. I'm not just blaming Bush Either. We've ben kissing ass in the mid east for decades Knowing our sustenance relies on their oily whims. WHen we finally as a country get a clue, it's still going to take years and $$$ to make any sort of renewable alternative work and to get the oil giants here in the states to allow it to be mass distributed. Not to mention the $$$ and time for it to trickel down to the lower classes being able to afford a new car that runs on the stuff. It's not like I am looking for a way to get a Porsche, and Gucci shoes for a pittance, I just want to be able to buy my kid a freaking pack of undies without having to eat beans and rice for three nights to afford them.
Some people may question why I have internet if I am broke? Well it came with my phone package TYVM, and It's really the only way to talk to my mum and brother when a phonecall to austrialia costs about $20 for an hour. All my family is long distance, so I can send picturesvia the internet without having to pay more for gas, and $$ to go to the shop and get them developed. then $30 more to ship them overseas only to be LOST on the cargo ship for 2 months again. I'm trying to get a garden going to offset some of the grocery costs, but when It costs so much to get the supplies some days I just want to scream. Ecspecially when half of what I plant dies before fruition.
I'm tired people. tired. And it's only getting worse.
Some people may question why I have internet if I am broke? Well it came with my phone package TYVM, and It's really the only way to talk to my mum and brother when a phonecall to austrialia costs about $20 for an hour. All my family is long distance, so I can send picturesvia the internet without having to pay more for gas, and $$ to go to the shop and get them developed. then $30 more to ship them overseas only to be LOST on the cargo ship for 2 months again. I'm trying to get a garden going to offset some of the grocery costs, but when It costs so much to get the supplies some days I just want to scream. Ecspecially when half of what I plant dies before fruition.
I'm tired people. tired. And it's only getting worse.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Have you ever done something that you know you probably shouldn't have, but done it anyway? I'm sure you have. I planted an avacodo seed. I hav a baby avocado tree. It was near my front porch because it looked really pretty in my small flower patch. I hypothetically asked hubby just how big the get? He said "big enough probably I wouldn't want one in the yard. I got paraniod that these massive avacodoes would come pounding down on the house to elimitate anyone else buying the place after I get sick of it. I transplanted it near the big garden (closer to my neighbours yard:D) In a small planter. I think though that I should get a big planter for it instead so I can move it at lesuire when it gets really big.
Also in the realm of things I shouldn't have but did any ways I moved my 30 inch tv( not flatscreen), have been doing squats to combat cornish hens on bamboo skewer bathing suit issues and the final clencher carrying a 70 pound young'n through the house all in three days and pulled something in my ass. Then to make matters worse I had to go grocery shopping unles I sent PG who would end up buying nothing but doritoes and chicken noodle soup. Ah yes the pain. And with the new meds he's on he was like sleeping in the same bed with a giant sweaty legion of octopi.At one point I was sorely tempted to sleep out on the porch with the salamanders.
Why did I move the Tv to set of this chain of pain? I went shopping:
You can't see it well under all the stuff, but I got a new tv centre, Which is FAR better then the crap we had up since 6 years ago when we moved in AKA: two plastic shelves and a tv caddy. eww. those shelves were bowing BADLY. And yes, In case you're wondering, that big red row under the TV is the intire Friday The 13th seires.
Also in the realm of things I shouldn't have but did any ways I moved my 30 inch tv( not flatscreen), have been doing squats to combat cornish hens on bamboo skewer bathing suit issues and the final clencher carrying a 70 pound young'n through the house all in three days and pulled something in my ass. Then to make matters worse I had to go grocery shopping unles I sent PG who would end up buying nothing but doritoes and chicken noodle soup. Ah yes the pain. And with the new meds he's on he was like sleeping in the same bed with a giant sweaty legion of octopi.At one point I was sorely tempted to sleep out on the porch with the salamanders.
Why did I move the Tv to set of this chain of pain? I went shopping:
You can't see it well under all the stuff, but I got a new tv centre, Which is FAR better then the crap we had up since 6 years ago when we moved in AKA: two plastic shelves and a tv caddy. eww. those shelves were bowing BADLY. And yes, In case you're wondering, that big red row under the TV is the intire Friday The 13th seires.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
It comes in many forms, subtle ones like a good latte, and more obsessive ones like the passion my father had for my mother.
He loved her alot, I know it because I heard it spoken much when I was little. He wrote it alot as well in the letter he sent her every time she ran away from him and the beatings. And allways with those letter I knew she would go back to him, Her passion for him burning just as strongly.We never stayed in One place for more than two years when I was with my parents. After leaving the Army my father could never stay in one job for long, and that often led to the biggest fights. Often they started over him going to a bar, of Not coming home all night. We used to wait up for him to come in. Piss drunk and stumbling up the stoop we'd stand at the door reall quiett and hold the locks so even if he got the right key INTO the lock it never opened. I thought it was a game.
Sometimes He would bring home flowers, those lily ones that look like ears of corn. They were their wedding flowers, and I thought it was romantic. It truly was a bribe against the brusies and such that had sent her to sleep in my bed the nights before. Sometimes when it was really bad, we'd leave him. Only to go back after one of those letters.
I never noticed most of the bad things that happened to my mother over the years, But I wish I had. Maybe it would have helped me understand her better. I wish I knew the father who came before the one I remember, maybe it would help me understand why she kept going back to him. Passion can be good, or bad. Perhaps that's where it crosses the line to adddiction, or obsession.
My mother was an addict, and my father was obsessed. ANd I forgive them. But I should never forget. Life is a process like a pattern on a pair of needles. An error can be a mistake that ruins a work, or turned into an integral part of a new, great work. I Am trying, to keep it as integral, and not let my past botch my life. I have moments like now when I want to reflect, to try and learn from things I used to not understand. Or maybe just to talk it through and let it go. Sometimes I write these things and I delete them instead. Perhaps I should do that with this one too. but for now, I'll leave it up.
He loved her alot, I know it because I heard it spoken much when I was little. He wrote it alot as well in the letter he sent her every time she ran away from him and the beatings. And allways with those letter I knew she would go back to him, Her passion for him burning just as strongly.We never stayed in One place for more than two years when I was with my parents. After leaving the Army my father could never stay in one job for long, and that often led to the biggest fights. Often they started over him going to a bar, of Not coming home all night. We used to wait up for him to come in. Piss drunk and stumbling up the stoop we'd stand at the door reall quiett and hold the locks so even if he got the right key INTO the lock it never opened. I thought it was a game.
Sometimes He would bring home flowers, those lily ones that look like ears of corn. They were their wedding flowers, and I thought it was romantic. It truly was a bribe against the brusies and such that had sent her to sleep in my bed the nights before. Sometimes when it was really bad, we'd leave him. Only to go back after one of those letters.
I never noticed most of the bad things that happened to my mother over the years, But I wish I had. Maybe it would have helped me understand her better. I wish I knew the father who came before the one I remember, maybe it would help me understand why she kept going back to him. Passion can be good, or bad. Perhaps that's where it crosses the line to adddiction, or obsession.
My mother was an addict, and my father was obsessed. ANd I forgive them. But I should never forget. Life is a process like a pattern on a pair of needles. An error can be a mistake that ruins a work, or turned into an integral part of a new, great work. I Am trying, to keep it as integral, and not let my past botch my life. I have moments like now when I want to reflect, to try and learn from things I used to not understand. Or maybe just to talk it through and let it go. Sometimes I write these things and I delete them instead. Perhaps I should do that with this one too. but for now, I'll leave it up.
domestic violence,
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I have finished the bikini form hell, and the poncho. the poncho tends to want to be square instead of diamond shaped, but It is perfectly long. I had to seam in some linen to the inside of the bikini so I don't flash the other beachgoers, but that is OK. I'm now onto a pair of socks for kiddo. I hope they wear well, they're wool, but I'm doing them on 2.5 mm so yeah the yarn is teensy, which worries me because Girly is VERY hard on a pair of socks. The cotton ones seem to be holding up to her wear alright. Every day they look like they've melted but I hand wash them and they pop right back. I am leery of using my new Good sock yarn on her though. They say it can withstand Hiking boots, but I wonder if they tested it on an ADD child with a cup of sugar in them. THEN I would not be so scared to use it.
Physics Guy is seeing his doctor today about his back. His meds aren't working as well as they should. We've been discussing the possibility of medical retirement since it's pretty bad and can only get worse. There are Guys at work with LESS severe injuries who are already getting out on it so it's not really IS he that bad off, but IS he ready to admit it.Which is very difficult for him to do. He's a very proud Guy, and he's one of those who Needs to work and be busy to be happy. Plus the idea of milling about the house and being given menial tasks by me doesn't sound like much fun :D And we wait, I don't know what his Doc will say, and that is the most difficult thing for me. Not knowing eats at me. I am somewhat of a control freak and I NEED to know what, where and how. I can't plan for what I don't know, and that really stresses me out. I hope that in the next 10 years the great minds can think of some way to fix him, but honestly it's a tossup. All the plans we made to see the shores of Ireland, and the midwestern town where I'm from, the beauty of the mountains, and the lights of New York, may well never come to light. But I can't give up the hope that it might happen, who knows. keep dreaming, and maybe one day it will be possible.
Physics Guy is seeing his doctor today about his back. His meds aren't working as well as they should. We've been discussing the possibility of medical retirement since it's pretty bad and can only get worse. There are Guys at work with LESS severe injuries who are already getting out on it so it's not really IS he that bad off, but IS he ready to admit it.Which is very difficult for him to do. He's a very proud Guy, and he's one of those who Needs to work and be busy to be happy. Plus the idea of milling about the house and being given menial tasks by me doesn't sound like much fun :D And we wait, I don't know what his Doc will say, and that is the most difficult thing for me. Not knowing eats at me. I am somewhat of a control freak and I NEED to know what, where and how. I can't plan for what I don't know, and that really stresses me out. I hope that in the next 10 years the great minds can think of some way to fix him, but honestly it's a tossup. All the plans we made to see the shores of Ireland, and the midwestern town where I'm from, the beauty of the mountains, and the lights of New York, may well never come to light. But I can't give up the hope that it might happen, who knows. keep dreaming, and maybe one day it will be possible.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
5 days
Wow I can't belive I haven't blogged in FIVE days! O course this coincides with PG being home with his back. I have gotten alot of knitting done though. I made a pair of short socks for Girly with strict orders of NO heels and NO toe seam. They look like something my Mum would use for her prosthetic leg. Only with fancy boucle cuffs. She loves them though. I bought some more cotton to dye for A few projects, mostly more socks for her and possibly a tank for me. I'm almost through with the bikini from hell. I have 10 rounds left on the leg. and then I may not like the length and add a few more. AND I am a 60 R by 80 sts. away from my poncho. I am considering casting on for the WISP shawl I saw on Knitty.com after that with some nice alpaca/mohair stuff in my Auntie stash. Or I may finish the Aran by the sea socks I discarded for the summer project list. I am just FILLED with possibilities at this point.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
cuddly cuties
My doggo Loves kitties. Last night Puss was moving the kittens to a new area, And was COMPLETELY freaking out. She moved them into the living room with us and snuggled them up on the couch. But she was Still Panting loudly, and terribly nervous. Champ decided this was the best way to calm her down... It did. He crashed out too for a little while of inhaling kitten smell.
We moved them into our bathroom after we went to bed. PG was worried they might fall off the couch or into the crack and suffocate. She likes it back there and it's closer to the Cat potty.
We've been taking them all out into the living room today to help Puss keep from panicking again. She doesn't like being alone.
She also helped me finish half my poncho
We moved them into our bathroom after we went to bed. PG was worried they might fall off the couch or into the crack and suffocate. She likes it back there and it's closer to the Cat potty.
We've been taking them all out into the living room today to help Puss keep from panicking again. She doesn't like being alone.
She also helped me finish half my poncho
Monday, April 14, 2008
How to know when you've had too much wine the night before: you dream Christian Zombies are after you trying to pray you into one of them. No joke. Think: Night of the Living Dead and Benny Hinn had a baby. That would be my dream last night. That was one of the oddest scary dreams I've ever had. I've had some odd ones, and I've had some scarry ones. But this was a supercombo of nightmarishness.
yeesh. That's what I get for talking politics, religion and old movies with Physics guy, over cabernet, before bed. I know have a sudden craving to watch Bruce Campbell movies. That chainsaw arm was pretty handy. Tee hee. Handy. Sorry.
yeesh. That's what I get for talking politics, religion and old movies with Physics guy, over cabernet, before bed. I know have a sudden craving to watch Bruce Campbell movies. That chainsaw arm was pretty handy. Tee hee. Handy. Sorry.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
From the beach
The beach was lovely, we got there about 730 Am. It was still a bit too cool for swimming in the ocean part, but there was a nice stream before a sandbar, before the tide that had reasonably warm water. I had the brilliant Idea to park my stuff on the sandbar sandwiched in between said current and the ocean proper...It was lovely until about 1030 when the tide started coming in and almost swept everything away. Fortunately my stash and camera were in my waterproof bag. I'm sure the other early beach goers got a kick out of seeing a screeching banshee woman scrambling for her three bags and blanket" My yarn ! my yarn!" Girly didn't get swept under This time, which was a bonus. Though she did venture a bit father than I'd like down the shore and I momentarily lost her. I bought her some goggles and she was scuba-ing in the current And so I couldn't see her. Plus there were NO bathrooms. At 745 no one is open. Fortunately where we stopped there was an FD(Fire dept.) And there's not a fireman I know who would turn away a little kid. So thank you to the Probie who let us in. WE also went to the beach shop around 11oo when It opened. I took a picture of the owner,Isn't she pretty!
but I chickened out on asking her to do a knitting picture. I'm not quite as ballsy as SmcP But I did take a picture of my seaside sock with a seagull who was rather fond of my boiled eggs.
The object of getting there so early was A: to get there before all the good spots were taken. However all the "good spots were further down the shore...near the bathrooms. And B: getting some good seashells before the tide swept them out. Which failed as there were NOT any to be had. So we got alot of abalone and some broken pieces for a wind chime, and whatever abstract project GIrly had in mind when she got these Which were carefully picked with schoolmaster like scrutiny.
And we saw the beautiful car of my dreams As we were leaving: the Saturn Sky. I am so jealous of Bossy. Getting to ride around in one of these for her road trip. It gets the BEST gas mileage for a sports car. I've also heard rumours there is a hybrid model. That would be a GREAT Mothers day present.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Just Beachy
It must be a beach week. Carolyn went to Jekell And I'm taking Girly to the Fernidina beach tomorrow. It's soo nice out down here it is hard to not want to be near the water. I don't know for sure if we're going to be IN the water or not as Carolyn says it's terribly cold still. Maybe just toes. Plus I kinda have a fear of Girly and water. Mainly because she has a tendency to try to down in the current. At 6 months old I took her out in her floaty baby trolley off the shores of Jekell's main beach. the waves were tame, the water was warm. all of a sudden out of nowhere a gaint of a wave swooshed over Girly knocking her into the undertow. She thought it was a riot. I very nearly passed out screaming from panic. PG just calmly dove down, grabbed a leg and yanked her up. Repaet this 4 years later with arm floaties(we didn't go back to the beach before then, we stayed in nice safe pools with clear water) that the wave from hades swept OFF her arms. When they say NOT a life saving device they really mean it. I am seriously contemplating In Icord saftey cord for my leg to her kinda surf board style to prevent this from happening this year. I myself did not learn to swim until I was 10 years old. There's no real need for swimming in the midwestern Ghetto. I mean really WHO drowns in a sprinkler? Anything bigger than and often times even the kiddie pools were stolen so no one I knew had a big pool. the time I did spend in the south was filled with floaties in 4 ft maximum pools and sticking to the tideline. So yeah I have no real lifesaving capabilities when it comes to water, unless of course you become a floater. I do have AED and CPR training. It's nice to have family in EMS servicies to teach you handy stuff like that.
I have the beach bag prepared already so we can just get up and go. I included extra camera batteries so I can get some good pictures. Adn mapQuest so I don't get lost like last time and wind up in a shipyard. Though the locals are Royally nice about giving the wayward traveler directions. Just don't look at them in your rear view, they WILL be laughing at you. My favortie spot on the beach it right by an Italian restaruant. They have live music playing and the widows are open so if you sit in the right area you get A nice serenade, and Oh the lovely smells of basil and garlic coming off the kitchen. It's a great beachgoing experince. So look for pictures some time tomorrow. If I'm feeling adveturous I may wonder around to find old cottages and things. I will be bringing my sock Ala Harlot so expect sock traveling pictures as well.
I have the beach bag prepared already so we can just get up and go. I included extra camera batteries so I can get some good pictures. Adn mapQuest so I don't get lost like last time and wind up in a shipyard. Though the locals are Royally nice about giving the wayward traveler directions. Just don't look at them in your rear view, they WILL be laughing at you. My favortie spot on the beach it right by an Italian restaruant. They have live music playing and the widows are open so if you sit in the right area you get A nice serenade, and Oh the lovely smells of basil and garlic coming off the kitchen. It's a great beachgoing experince. So look for pictures some time tomorrow. If I'm feeling adveturous I may wonder around to find old cottages and things. I will be bringing my sock Ala Harlot so expect sock traveling pictures as well.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Skinny Bitch
Just who, I would like to know, has a 20 inch waist?! Maybe it was the yarn, maybe it wasn't, seeing as they used a cotton yarn themselves. My Gosh, I had to frog the whole bikini bottom. The. Whole. Thing. I got to the part where the leg attaches to the OTHER leg, and thought' I should hold this up to me and see how well it will fit.' Even with the add on of the drawstring waist, it MAY fit Girly. I was a bit worried when I saw the teen sporting it in the pattern, but I'm not a really big person myself. But even with my daily jog there's no way my 34 inch butt is going to fit in this thing. And there is no way I am dieting to get into it. I like my "lady lumps" I work hard to keep my butt in a nice moderate size. 20 inches went out the window about the time Girly came out that window down below. Not to mention the fact that everytime I have been on a dieted regemine before I lost ALOT of boobage, and I DONT have much to spare. Now I have to make a whole new one from scratch. I think I'll do it in the round to make it a bit easier. Crud
For some reason I cannot seem to get finished with my bikini bottom. Mainly because I cannot wrap my mind around how the pattern is supposed to make this tiny scrap fit over my rather round ass. Am about halfway through it, and that is: to the part where I am supposed to connect(i think) the legs/bum together and round them I want to add a few rows to be sure it fits. Then again I don't want it to be too large and make my ass look bigger and lumpier. Also the poncho I am making to go over said bikini is giving me trouble. Since I am making it from scratch I kinda forgot where I was going with it and fubar'd the half I already made, BUT I can't just unseam it because once i figured out that was all I'd have to do I also realized it is too short. It would be OK for a regular poncho @ 60 sts on 8mm, but I want it knee length so I can just wear IT over the suit and be appropriate if I see a Starbucks near-by. I just cannot do the teen girl walking in in flops and a teensy biki thing I see around here during the summer months. I mean REALLY who goes grocery shopping in a bikini top and daisy dukes?! IMO that's kinda skanktified. 'specially when one has a kiddo with them. I digress
I re-started the poncho on 9mm with (x4)80 st x 80R squares which hopefully will be enough. By gauge it should anyway. and then I'm BO about 10 sts at the top left (x2) and right(x2). Once I run out of skein yarn I'll frogg the failed one. because I really don;t want to deal with ripping and winding while amidst the projects and house stuff if at all possible.
I also got some more potting mix for topsoil to bribe some lettuce and tomato seeds with. I potted the tomato seeds, and the romaine I just put in the garden along the border of the collards I have already planted for the Guinea pigs. No one(human) in my house likes collards but me , and I only like them in my salad. We do however like lettuce. The caladium are sprouting root buds, so I haven't killed them yet. Basil, Oh my gosh, the basil on my porch. I have PLENTY of basil And something else in another pot, but I can't remember if it's the lavendar or chamomile, as I planted them both in it. I did the lavendar in early march, but when It didn't sprout I added some cham, because it ALLWAYS grows good for me. I usually can get at the minimum enough for a few pots of tea before the summer dries it all up.
other than that, the only news is Me trying to talk PG and Girly out of keeping a kitten. They want the cali, I want them ALL gone. Frankly I've had cats all my life, I am pretty much catted out. The thrill of the litter box has gone, along with the hope of ever taking a shower without the cat also wanting to take a stinky Poo at the same time. Oh and the small fact that I am allergic... But yes I suck it up, and take antihistamines...And hack...and do eye drops. PG on the other hand seems to (while I appreciate his thinking I am super mom)believe I can muster the energy to keep up with him, Girly, AND umpteen pets. Because we all know I will inevitably be the keeper of the litter and designated vet driver. No freakin way.
I re-started the poncho on 9mm with (x4)80 st x 80R squares which hopefully will be enough. By gauge it should anyway. and then I'm BO about 10 sts at the top left (x2) and right(x2). Once I run out of skein yarn I'll frogg the failed one. because I really don;t want to deal with ripping and winding while amidst the projects and house stuff if at all possible.
I also got some more potting mix for topsoil to bribe some lettuce and tomato seeds with. I potted the tomato seeds, and the romaine I just put in the garden along the border of the collards I have already planted for the Guinea pigs. No one(human) in my house likes collards but me , and I only like them in my salad. We do however like lettuce. The caladium are sprouting root buds, so I haven't killed them yet. Basil, Oh my gosh, the basil on my porch. I have PLENTY of basil And something else in another pot, but I can't remember if it's the lavendar or chamomile, as I planted them both in it. I did the lavendar in early march, but when It didn't sprout I added some cham, because it ALLWAYS grows good for me. I usually can get at the minimum enough for a few pots of tea before the summer dries it all up.
other than that, the only news is Me trying to talk PG and Girly out of keeping a kitten. They want the cali, I want them ALL gone. Frankly I've had cats all my life, I am pretty much catted out. The thrill of the litter box has gone, along with the hope of ever taking a shower without the cat also wanting to take a stinky Poo at the same time. Oh and the small fact that I am allergic... But yes I suck it up, and take antihistamines...And hack...and do eye drops. PG on the other hand seems to (while I appreciate his thinking I am super mom)believe I can muster the energy to keep up with him, Girly, AND umpteen pets. Because we all know I will inevitably be the keeper of the litter and designated vet driver. No freakin way.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Kitten pictures
Aww aren't they cute. they all seem to have some sort of tortie markings, though Thing One is mostly blue and white, thing two is mainly white wih blue cow spots and a few licks of caramel, number three( name pending, though I rather like Gertrude Mc fuzz, keeping with the Dr. suess theme) is completely undeniably tortie and white.
Momma Puss is doing just fine. Thing two had a bit of a rough time with coming out of the sac and expelling fluid, We ended up having to help out and rub him up a bit. We though we might have to with Gertie too, but Puss finally came around to the job. CHamp is loving the Kittens, Puss surprisingly enjoys everyone being in there with her even him, she lets him lick the kittens, and lay around"guarding her". If I don't go in there she comes looking for me and calling me to come back.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen
we have kittens!!!
Kitten number one was born three minutes ago!Pussikins had him on Physics guy's lap! fortunalty we had the forethought to bring the nesting box in and poke her in it before the little guy popped out. We're thinking one-two more are coming soon. Poor hubby.
Update** kitten two was born about 11:30 and number three at 11:50. lets hope there are no more.... they're so cute.
Kitten number one was born three minutes ago!Pussikins had him on Physics guy's lap! fortunalty we had the forethought to bring the nesting box in and poke her in it before the little guy popped out. We're thinking one-two more are coming soon. Poor hubby.
Update** kitten two was born about 11:30 and number three at 11:50. lets hope there are no more.... they're so cute.
Friday, April 4, 2008
do wah diddy
When I was little my movie was not Princess bride, or Gone with the wind. No those came much later. My movie, was My Girl. I loved that movie, I cryed every time Thomas died, no matter how many times I saw it. I was the bookworm nerdy girl who loved poetry and was a bit odd. I could relate to Vada, and I loved the linen top with the blue smocking she wore when Shelly taught her to wear makeup. I wanted one so bad. I never got that top....But Now I found one, I'm too old to wear it properly of course, so I got it for Girly. And since she has a hatred of jeans I got her some nice denim blue bike shorts to wear with it. She hasn't seen the movie yet. I don't think she's old enough to handle Thomas' death, she would be much too inconsoleable, trust me, she cries for the crickets the tarantula eats. But she will eventually. But we won't see My girl 2, that was just yuk, nowhere near as good as the first.Soo she's going to be realy cute. I was going to get a linen dress with great embrodery for the summer, but when I tried it on it looked just horrible. the Elastic "waist band" was UNDER the ass part. not CUPPING, not ABOVE where you would THINK a waistline should be. no. Even when I stretched it to see what it would look like if I bought it anyway and disected the elastic out(hey it was a great colour) it just looked crap. Fortunatly I tried them on before I bought it in various sizes just to be sure. I went from small to large, still it looked like I had an underwire bra for my butt. WHO would wear this? A few inches lower would have made a nice mermaid thing, and a few inches Up and It would look, well, Normal. Oh well shorts for now, until I find something better. Oh also I'm making a knitten bikini with boy shorts this week. I'm goimg to embroider some tiny red poppies on it to make sure the nipplage doesn't show through the seams. I hope it is as great as It is in my head. Will show pictures once the results come in. So far I've only got one and a quarter cup(s) done, and the i-cord is kicking my butt.
In random fact news, Champ the dog is gloating over his new treasure he found on our walk. what is this priceless artifact? some kid's apple he left on the sidewalk near the bus stop. Poor little Jimmy won't get snack today:(( Champ isn't so much eating it as licking the peel.Probably enjoying the kid smell/taste. He's kinda obsessed with little kids. He thinks they're all his and he is thiers, and they will be licked. I don't know if he will actually eat it, he's more fond of pears. He carried it home in his mouth "roorooroo"ing at everyone he saw to show it off. Oh yes He is proud of his find.
In random fact news, Champ the dog is gloating over his new treasure he found on our walk. what is this priceless artifact? some kid's apple he left on the sidewalk near the bus stop. Poor little Jimmy won't get snack today:(( Champ isn't so much eating it as licking the peel.Probably enjoying the kid smell/taste. He's kinda obsessed with little kids. He thinks they're all his and he is thiers, and they will be licked. I don't know if he will actually eat it, he's more fond of pears. He carried it home in his mouth "roorooroo"ing at everyone he saw to show it off. Oh yes He is proud of his find.
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