Monday, May 5, 2008


I finally finished my "Tempting" top( at Sally's house. I still had a few finishing touches I added in pick up line today. I did not do the sleeving, In stead I increased by the 52 sts on each side and carried on with the yoke. I bound off the 12 sts underarm and SC around the bottom of the arm/yoke for added stability since I put it on Once and it mega streched. I also instead of the ribboned bow, crocheted a nice shell st border(in the lime green) on the top's neckline and folded two shells over each arm's first two rows so it has a squared look. I really like the diverseness this pattern can have. really it's so teribly simple I could do a bunch of them and come up with all sorts of add ons and things. I thought about one with puffed sleeves and one cabled instead of ribbed,and an embossed diamondy one. We've been talking alot of knitting today so it's all stuck in there clinging together. I also planted some peppers,cilantro and ginger Sally was kind enough to give me after my own pepper seeds failed to germinate and I think...maybe. that I see a few caladium babies under the pear tree, along with some pansies Girly threw out there to"keep them company". The onions are growing, the tomatoes still aren't dead , but I think I am about to kill a horrible pair of socks I am knitting from scratch. these suckers are irritating, I'm striping them with two colours and then they have a completeely differnt colour on the bottom. I . hate. these. socks. but they're for girly and they are cute, once I figure out this laptop thingy I will post pictures of the socks, and the top. Did I mention I also have another sock on .. oh wait TWO other socks on needles other than the pair I already have? yeah. and one pair has to be dyed after I finish the mate. but I like THOSE socks. I am making an effort on them. I just wanted to do this top first, and save the easy small knitting for toasty outside days. Anyhow, off to watch more mindless killing, because the graphics on this game are SOO kick ass( I can see the Rain bouncing off the puddles, and pants creases people!). Plus the plot is getting really interesting too.

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